About the Career Photographer Program

This program is for those who want to make a living with portrait photography and/or Weddings/event photography. Exclusive system, business plan, marketing plan, including several great marketing projects, photography classes, workshops, seminars, etc, includes 2 full years of coaching, website development, our vendor resources list, studio layout plans (home or office), studio software (instruction on how to use it), more, more, more!!!
We don't know if you have looked at other programs, but we have!
-no other photography program offers as much as we do -even those with prices much, much higher than ours (and by the way, we have seen a $90,000 program that offers much less than we do! -I'm not even sure that their teachers have ever been profitable as photographers -our teachers have! -and our program costs just a fraction of that!)
This program is only available to those who are serious about becoming a professional photographer.
Since 1997, leading local photographers and employers of photographers turn to Landers Photography School for training.
Our Mission and Vision Statements
Program highlights / What will I learn?
How to become a student
Program costs and other related costs